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Live. Love. Lingerie.

Why I waited so long.

I recently shared with you how great it felt to finally replace my old worn out foundations. I also promised to share with you why I waited so long.

Here it is. My truth:

I waited so long because I...

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Don't judge a book by it's cover.

There is no doubt that we are an outward facing society.  At first glance, we often make judgements about ourselves and people we meet based on their appearance.  (Mostly, we judge...

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Are you critical like this?

I write a lot about how women are often self deprecating because I think it’s really important for us to become aware of what we’re saying to and about ourselves.

It seems like every...

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I did what so many women do….. I ignored the state of my foundations. Yep, me. I confess. I’ve done it before but haven’t gone this long wearing worn out ill-fitting bras.


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I wish we would stop doing this.

I was recently flipping through my Facebook and happened upon a picture of an old high school friend. I thought, “Wow! She’s even more beautiful than I remember.”

I really admired...

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What if....

Hello beautiful!

What if for just one day you treated yourself like a queen?  Like you really mattered. Because you know you do.  Don’t you?   

What if there was no name...

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What do you focus on?

Last week I told you about my informal poll and the curves on a woman’s body.

I was going to tell you what my favorite curve was and a funny thing happened.

I started thinking....

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The sexiest curve on a woman's body is....

I took an informal poll sometime ago and asked men, “What is your favorite curve on a woman’s body?” 

What do you think they said?  If you’re anything like me, I...

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What example are you setting?

body image life self care May 19, 2018

Humans learn by example.  If you have tiny humans in your life or even if your tiny humans are all grown up, they are learning from you….what you do, how you behave and even how you...

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Get Your Sexy Back - The Online Course

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