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The sexiest curve on a woman's body is....

I took an informal poll sometime ago and asked men, “What is your favorite curve on a woman’s body?” 

What do you think they said?  If you’re anything like me, I would have guessed breasts and bums.  After all, isn’t that what is shoved down our throats by the media all the time?!  Having owned a lingerie boutique, these were the “areas” that I found women were most concerned with or complained about.

“I know my curves are sexy, and I want everyone else to know theirs are too.” -Ashley Graham

I was a bit surprised with some of the responses and you may be, too.  While bums and breasts (including underbum, underboob and sideboob) got quite a few votes, there were many more curves mentioned. 

Calves and shoulders received more responses than I would have guessed as did backs…upper back, lower back, the small of the back.  Waist, hips and smile were included, too. 

And here is the beauty of it; we are all unique.  For as many people that there are in the world, there are different preferences.  So next time you’re tempted to fall into the trap of thinking something is wrong with you, I suggest you focus on YOUR favorite curve. 

By the way, what is your favorite curve on your body?  I’d love to know! 

All curves are sexy.

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