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How do you want to be?

life mindset Apr 17, 2018

The other day I was at Whole Foods to pick up a few things. As I was putting my bag into my car, I noticed a package on the bottom shelf of the cart. “What the?? Oh… that’s my chicken.”, I thought to myself. “Oh shoot. I didn’t pay for it.”

Then, I went through this entire debate process in my mind.

“I should go back in and pay for it. I don’t want to go all the way back in. I spend a lot of money here anyway. So, what’s the big deal? If I don’t pay for it, it’s stealing. It’s not like I wasn’t planning on paying for it. It’s not like I don’t have the money to pay for it.”

Can you believe this justification process going through my entire mind?

Then, I remembered the woman who was referred to me who stole a bra from my store. And the woman who stole a glass pleasure object. I also remembered how panties were stolen from my display table at a women’s event.

Suddenly I thought, “I don’t want to BE that person.”

“How do I want to be?”, I asked myself. And in that very moment I realized that I have a choice to be any way I choose.

"If you want to be happy, be." - Leo Tolstoy

I know I want to be kind, thoughtful, considerate and honest. The honest hit home. I turned around, marched into the store and paid for my chicken. It felt good that my actions were aligned with how I really want to be.

I like that I can use this question in any situation where I feel unsure of what I should do.

How about you? Is there a choice to be made and you’re unsure what to do? How do you want to be? The choice is yours.

Choosing how you want to BE is sexy.

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